Ambitious students have their dreams get fulfilled by appearing in common entrance test. For students in Nepal, common entrance exam Nepal is the pathway to get into their desired colleges or universities.
Appearing in any exams, one must know the important aspect of the exam that is the syllabus. The syllabus is what holds some topics or information regarding any exams for a particular subject.
Any student must be very aware of their syllabus.
To prepare for these competitive and important exams students must go through some subjects and indulge them to work harder than ever.
The syllabus will bring them more clarity and they can aim to perform, to cross the border line.
The subject content will be recognized by the syllabus, which again will be decided by the central governing body for education in the country.
Now, let us show you some of the parts of the syllabus to be known for the common entrance test.
As it is said, the syllabus holds a special place in any exam as it gives students what need to study for the any particular exam.
Common entrance exam is one the toughest exam there is. To get it clear students should be very discipline and must know their subjects very well.
Lets have a better look-
- Syllabus for the exam
- Quantitative analysis of the syllabus
- Qualitative analysis of the syllabus
- Syllabus of a particular subject
- Syllabus for the teachers
- Marks related the chapters
- Extract of the syllabus
1. Syllabus for the exam
One year prior to the exam, syllabus will be published and made available for everyone wishing to go for the exam.
Particularly, common entrance exam is held every year for the purpose of providing medical or technical education to the students.
It is given by lakhs of students every year, with the opportunity to get themselves into a particular stream, of their choice and into colleges also.
A student must know what they need to do, or work upon for exams. Here syllabus is ready to guide them for getting their dreams fulfilled.
2. Quantitative analysis of the syllabus
Syllabus content should be in proper manner.
Syllabus must be made in such a way that it contents are, neither too vast nor too low. Keeping that in mind, the syllabus should be written, so students can get a proper knowledge and can bring their best at exams time.
Common entrance exam does have some subjects which are high scoring through proper hard work. Some subjectsrequired more mental involvement than the others.
It is to be noted that one must not feel less interest towards the subjects. Syllabus should bring out the enthusiasm in students, so they can give their one hundred percent.
3. Qualitative analysis of the syllabus.
The syllabus must ensure that its content are full of knowledge and practical based. Going for the unnecessary topics or rudimentary chapters will bring lethargy as well as it will not be accepted widely by the students and teachers.
The syllabus content is essential to be prepared by the students. Suppose, one student is being studied the subject Biology.
Then it is need to get a clear idea, how much to study or how much to be excluded.
There are few topics within the subjects say biochemistry, genetics, physiology which in case does not mention properly, must possess problem to the students.
Subjects like Chemistry which has organic and inorganic parts, need to to be mention properly which portion of that need to study meticulously.
4. Syllabus of a particular subject
Syllabus related to a particular subject will determine how much involvement will need to crack the exam.
Students may plan their involvement and timing to solve the problems related to that subject. Marks distributions are based on the topics and it is necessary to calculate and analyze the marks.
Student should get a clear idea and also make a routine to study and practice.
5. Syllabus for the Teachers
A syllabus is not only important for students but it is equally important for a teacher. Teacher need to know what to teach.
Rather it is very important to know how much to teach for any given chapter. Say, subject related to medical, technical field requires to be taught in more efficient way.
6. Marks related to the chapters
Any subject enlisted within the syllabus, must be also designated with proper marks distribution. Say, there will be total marks given on the top page of the syllabus, which again re distributed into each chapter.
The chapters are in turn gets divided into topics and sub topics. These topics division will give a distinct view to the students. Students then go on to calculate or analyze the marks and the chapters based on marks.
Marks distribution is essential to get the students exam prepared, they can check their capability and also know strength.
7. Extract of the syllabus
Syllabus provides a clear view of what need to study and what not to study.
Get to know the syllabus is necessary in every steps and it make a better understanding of the situation.
All the above mentioned points are needed to follow meticulously by a student.
It gives a clear vision and the confidence to go all the way. Sometimes, problems arise but it needs to get it clear by both teachers and students.
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